I did the first sweet spot base, medium, with a club run on top and it was fine. We have a chaingang at the local crit circuit in the winter though, and since that's started it's been harder to justify staying indoors to do rollers sessions. Combined with a load of uni work it's meant that I've been sat on week 4 of the sweet spot base, medium II for weeks. Hence why I'm considering a restart in January, though that is exam season, so it'll be hard to fit it all in.
It's meant I've only been hitting 3-400 TSS a week since September and have had a downwards ramp since the summer. I'm trying to be more practical about it and doing fewer, more intense sessions. Got around 6 hours a week max until the spring then I'll have a bit more.
I've found a snide ebook version so have had a look at their plans. Basically an 8 week build phase with lots of VO2max work. I think I'll do another bit of base in January and then have a crack at the time crunched plan in Feb, aiming to peak in early April.
I just have to get an FTP test out the way to see how much I've lost since September. Hopefully not too much, if my WKO4 profile is anything to go by.