Cheers man. Club run keeps me sane, tbh, and often involves a lot of threshold work depending who's riding. So easier and longer on Tuesday, then threshold intervals on Friday (Something like 3x10 etc?)
I feel fine with 450ish over the past few weeks and am planning a harder week this week with a rest week next week then restarting in the new year. Is it just a case of doing the same sort of stuff until specifying closer to the event? Just readjusting FTP after every block?
Depends what works for you and what makes your body improve.
You need to increase load; power, duration, TSS, generally in order to improve. So keep tat in mind. Some like to increase the length of an effort, some the power of the effort.What brings improvement in one, won't bring the same improvement in another.
Ditch the club run, you'll get better bang for your time by training alone and specific. Unless you enjoy it then keep it.
You're not just doing endurance tempo, your doing threshold too. That chaingang will be hard; probebrly with Vo2 efforts inc.
What you're doing looks fine. Shame you can ride saturday or monday, with your bigger day Sunday.
IT looks like a lot of harder work, so careful you don't burn out. If you're off thrsday and saturday, I'd make Friday the hard session, maybe some proper threshold work. And maybe make tuesday a bit easier Maybe 1h30 + Z2? as wednesday is hard. But it just depends how you're getting on and if it's tiring.
Don't bother with gym stuff, just use that time to ride the bike. Or maybe do some foam rolling.