• Is there a tester approved chain oil/wax/lube?

    Degrease and apply paraffin wax for racing. If you're being tarty, add some MoS2 powder to the mix. If you're being very tarty, use WS2 instead. Next level tartiness is nano-divided WS2 and vacuum impregnation. If you're lazy, just spray it with Boeshield T9 when it starts to squeak.

  • How do you apply / heat your paraffin? What do you use to clean it first?

    You need a non-polar solvent to degrease the chain, such as white spirit or xylene. Avoid sources of ignition unless you enjoy being killed in the face with fire, and work with plenty of ventilation unless you like waking up 3 days later with the worst hangover of your life.

    You can melt wax in a saucepan on the stove. Don't overheat it unless you still like fiery death.

    Make sure all of your solvent has evaporated before throwing the chain into the molten wax, unless you like explosions, fiery death and large insurance claims.

    In theory, you can dissolve wax in xylene to avoid cookery, but I haven't tried this so I don't know how many weeks you'll have to wait for the solvent to evaporate.

    Seriously, unless you're trying to extract the last Watt of marginal gains, just spray some T9 on it and save yourself a lot of trouble.
