Here's a pic of my fixed wheel TT bike, it a steel Paké frame/forks (purchased from Procyclery in Las Vegas in 2011) running Corima wheels, Campagnolo chain set and Centaur brakes (Shimano 600 Tricolor in pic).
I usually ride 53 x 15 or 16, rode the VTTA event on H25/2 in 2014 and recorded 54:08, that's just over 100 rpm, I've done some of my best rides on fixed, 58:07 on CC 01, and quite a few short 21's on H10/2 and H10/8, hope this helps. Regards
Here's a pic of my fixed wheel TT bike, it a steel Paké frame/forks (purchased from Procyclery in Las Vegas in 2011) running Corima wheels, Campagnolo chain set and Centaur brakes (Shimano 600 Tricolor in pic).
I usually ride 53 x 15 or 16, rode the VTTA event on H25/2 in 2014 and recorded 54:08, that's just over 100 rpm, I've done some of my best rides on fixed, 58:07 on CC 01, and quite a few short 21's on H10/2 and H10/8, hope this helps. Regards
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