The problem is simpler a lack of pride and belief that britain can make its citizens lives better
All the things Britain needed to do to make its citizens' lives better it could have done within the EU. Our government and voters chose not to. I have no idea why leaving the EU and trashing our economy (short to medium term at least) means that will change.
The problem is simpler a lack of pride and belief that britain can make its citizens lives better. How to solve that though is a tricky conundrum but maybe a start is not worrying about what sort of deal we will get with EU but starting to look at how we govern ourselves. If we can get that right then maybe the rest will fall into place.
Seriously? We're an integrated part of a global economy, and for the last 4 decades we've been an integral part of a common market, dispensing with all bilateral trade agreements and dispensing with all commercial treaty negotiators. You think we're going to get around that fundamental problem with a bit of self-confidence and some good old-fashioned self-belief? FFS.
To answer your rhetorical question, I would hope that one of Britain's Ambitions is to not be relegated to the league of third world countries inhabited by insular provincial fuckwits who fondly look back to the 1950s through rose-tinted war-rationed spectacles, gazing nostalgically to WWII as the population recounts stories of How We Won The War. Sadly, we're not really winning on that front.
The problem is simpler a lack of pride and belief that britain can make its citizens lives better. How to solve that though is a tricky conundrum but maybe a start is not worrying about what sort of deal we will get with EU but starting to look at how we govern ourselves. If we can get that right then maybe the rest will fall into place.
Another part of the problem is the belief that the U.K should not cannot influence the world. Now we believe we are a small nation we become small.
that is the core of the problem. Our government thinks small, we have become small therefore we flounder. What is the difference between a small business and a bigger one. the bigger one has an owner that had ambition.
what is britains ambition?