Converting a wheel from 7 to 10 speed, took a freehub off an M756 and it seems like it'll go on the hub no problem and hold a 10 speed cassette (I know it may need a re-dish). Shimano tech docs say it'll need a spacer like this. Anyone know what that does? Neither the 756 or the old hub seemed to have one, unless I managed to lose it when I first disassembled it.
But if you're ordering from SJS anyway, it makes no odds!
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Converting a wheel from 7 to 10 speed, took a freehub off an M756 and it seems like it'll go on the hub no problem and hold a 10 speed cassette (I know it may need a re-dish). Shimano tech docs say it'll need a spacer like this. Anyone know what that does? Neither the 756 or the old hub seemed to have one, unless I managed to lose it when I first disassembled it.
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