I think your feelings are entirely understandable.
I'm really pleased to read you are healing fast.
Material possessions ARE less important than physical and emotional health and it's good to see you're putting these first, as you should.
I felt a right bitch posting reply #43 upthread and I'm REALLY sorry it seems to have been justified.
But I still feel you have a right to justice and that the odds are stacked against you getting any.
This makes me sad and angry.
Keep on healing well!
I think your feelings are entirely understandable.
I'm really pleased to read you are healing fast.
Material possessions ARE less important than physical and emotional health and it's good to see you're putting these first, as you should.
I felt a right bitch posting reply #43 upthread and I'm REALLY sorry it seems to have been justified.
But I still feel you have a right to justice and that the odds are stacked against you getting any.
This makes me sad and angry.
Keep on healing well!