There's a few options, I'm yet to find the perfect solution.
You can use something like a Chromecast Audio but they only work with certain apps and if you want to use itunes then you'll need a generic streaming app with as Allcast or Soundcast.
You can use a branded wireless receiver like Sonos that either plugs in to your amp or has it's own inbuilt speakers but you have to use their own app to stream the music to it. E.g. https://www.richersounds.com/product/streaming-hi-fi-and-network-audio-players/qed/uplay-stream/qed-u-play-stream.
You can use a generic wireless receiver that plugs in to your amp and you use a DNLA app to stream over to it. This one acts less like a dedicated app and instead takes over the output of your computer, as if you had plugged in some headphones. E.G
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Neet%C2%AE-Wireless-Receiver-wireless-streaming/dp/B00O0U37HOYou could get a little bluetooth receiver that plugs in to your amp. E.g
Boss level upsum #rep
Trad hifi amp/speaker setup with aux in.
Oh hang on - you mean device?
Mac things - iphone, ipod touch (is that what they're called?), and Macbook Air.
I'll be using Android stuff, ipad and my mbp.
It's not a deal-breaker if I can't use it with an android, but given I visit her in Wales pretty regularly - I'd like it cope with both.