Well, what a surprise - it looks like I've bought a duffer! It's been dispatched now and is on its way to me, who knows if it'll turn up this side of Xmas. I've dropped the seller a line to see if he has any proof it is what they say it is. I'll report back with my findings.
As it stands I'm loathed to spend much money on it until I know what it is. I nearly bought a Colnago Master but got this because a)its not a Colnago and b) it was 10% of the cost of the Master.
Anyway, appreciate all your help with this. Will keep you posted as to the outcome
Well, what a surprise - it looks like I've bought a duffer! It's been dispatched now and is on its way to me, who knows if it'll turn up this side of Xmas. I've dropped the seller a line to see if he has any proof it is what they say it is. I'll report back with my findings.
As it stands I'm loathed to spend much money on it until I know what it is. I nearly bought a Colnago Master but got this because a)its not a Colnago and b) it was 10% of the cost of the Master.
Anyway, appreciate all your help with this. Will keep you posted as to the outcome