If it can be shown that this was assault with a motor vehicle (and I have no idea if this is realistically achievable from CCTV footage), it's much more likely to be followed up.
There are no cameras directed at the spot where the accident occurred to the best of our knowledge. None could be seen, multiple people have looked.
On the intentional nature... it felt that way, was so unbelievable that it could be anything else, but as of today I am wondering if it could be something else. i.e. drink driving. Drink driving would certainly be indistinguishable from intent from my perspective, it would still be a car, on a straight road, colliding with me when we're going in a straight line and have space.
Regardless of cause, and I even considered SMIDSY though I don't believe that either... the driver must have heard the impact, and fled the scene.
Whatever the argument is for how it happened, the driver still fled.
I've only just seen this--can't say anything that hasn't already been said, terrible incident, heal up soon! What I haven't seen is whether the police attended the scene, it sounds as if they didn't as you were expecting them to turn up in hospital?
For getting it investigated--and I can well imagine that you've already thought about all of this--, I suspect your injuries would be classed as 'slight' in the system, but as the police are essentially only able to pursue KSI/Killed or Seriously Injured cases (and even for that they have too little staff), the key angle here is that the driver appears to have done this deliberately, and you were of course fortunate not to have been much more seriously injured. If it can be shown that this was assault with a motor vehicle (and I have no idea if this is realistically achievable from CCTV footage), it's much more likely to be followed up.
Also, it's lovely that people here want to gather CCTV footage, but it's really the police's job to pursue CCTV. A lot of places won't release CCTV recordings unless the police are requesting them, and I think there may even be issues with such footage that hasn't been collected by police (not sure about that, though).
As has been said on numerous other 'Rider Down' threads, if you want to pursue it, lawyer up. @ojeffcott and his colleagues will be able to assist much more ably than any others of us.
Best of luck with it all.