Just seen there's a 25 course at the bottom of my road. H25/4.
Bit rolling but a fair course I think.
If anyone sees an event on there let me know, be rude not to.
If anyone sees an event on there let me know, be rude not to
Very rarely used for opens, but there are a few West London Combine events on the H25/4 and the H10/4 and H50/4 which use bits of the same road. You need to be a member of one of the score or so clubs affiliated to the combine.
Just seen there's a 25 course at the bottom of my road. H25/4.
Bit rolling but a fair course I think.
If anyone sees an event on there let me know, be rude not to.
Oo another one close too, H25/2 https://www.strava.com/segments/695193?hl=en-GB
I'll miss the E2/25 as my local.