A number of years old but a really well made bit of kit.
I've not really used it and need rid of it as moving. There's a small tear in the rubber eyepiece but otherwise good condition.
Review here: http://www.trustedreviews.com/Samsung-GX-10-review
These were based on the Pentax K10D
Has a sealed body to prevent muck and dust getting in.
Collection from Herne Hill Thurs/Fri otherwise from East Dulwich next week.
Cash please.
Samsung GX10 DSLR + 18-55 Lens
£75 collected ono
A number of years old but a really well made bit of kit.
I've not really used it and need rid of it as moving. There's a small tear in the rubber eyepiece but otherwise good condition.
Review here: http://www.trustedreviews.com/Samsung-GX-10-review
These were based on the Pentax K10D
Has a sealed body to prevent muck and dust getting in.
Collection from Herne Hill Thurs/Fri otherwise from East Dulwich next week.
Cash please.
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