Well, all classes of road user jump red lights, of course. As I say all the time, the reason why it's become so visible for bike riders is just because of All Green Pedestrian Phase junctions, where people on bikes use the pedestrian phase, with all three or more queued-up lanes of drivers watching. Red-light jumping used to be a distant second to footway cycling in the unpopularity stakes, but that changed when AGPPs started to become more widespread.
Well, all classes of road user jump red lights, of course. As I say all the time, the reason why it's become so visible for bike riders is just because of All Green Pedestrian Phase junctions, where people on bikes use the pedestrian phase, with all three or more queued-up lanes of drivers watching. Red-light jumping used to be a distant second to footway cycling in the unpopularity stakes, but that changed when AGPPs started to become more widespread.