• https://www.buzzfeed.com/jamesball/heres-who-voted-for-brexit-and-who-didnt?utm_term=.jpzJJanp7V#.iv1yyNVYx3

    This is interesting, in that it just confirms my stereotype of leave supporters.

    It also suggests, as I expected that Labour position on supporting* Brexit is miss judged, as only 36% of people who identified as Labour supports voted leave.

    As a lifelong Labour supporter and more recently a member I left over the weekend and I'm now considering join the Lib Dems, something totally unthinkable up until couple of months ago from my prospective.

    Who are the confused 2% of UKIPers who voted remain !

    *(or at least sleepwalking into letting the Tory headbangers do what they want)

  • I've joined a couple of UKIP/leaver groups on facebook.
    Most posts have basic spelling or grammatical errors (beyond phone/autocorrect laziness), more than half the sources they use are unreferenced right-wing blogs/fake news sites swallowed uncritically (the rest are mainstream newspapers) and there is no attempt to analyse anything or try and understand opposing viewpoints - everything/everyone that doesn't back them up is a conspiracy/lies/treacherous and they will happily make violent threats whilst whining about being oppressed.
