I do courthill > hither green > minard
Which reminds me what are your thoughts on this? Came as a surprise when I took 124 the other day .. got me excited as it might put a flat white in walking distance from me ..
Any idea what shape that development is taking? Not seen anything about it since before they knocked the prefabs down. You're right on the edge of the Corbett there and still a bit netherworldy, you should obviously be looking at Soul Kitchen to be in the heart of things ;)
@amey I've been doing it since before you knew br1 was London. Clarendon: I see it; no, I just grind it out on the A21 or do HGL if I'm feeling precious (and down through Mountsfield park, because summer). The place on Ennersdale does good Pho if you've not tried it.
@dubtap this sounds fun, gonna give it a go tonight. Is the a20/LHR back to normal now?