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  • I like the idea but for me I need a more of a balance. I like stuff, buying stuff doing stuff, eating stuff, riding stuff. Even so I over pay my mortgage, I have a reasonable pension and I save a bit each month and that's on a modest income.

    I understand your perspective but I've seen too many people postpone life for an imagined ideal only to realise things don't work out the way you hope.

  • I've seen too many people postpone life for an imagined ideal only to realise things don't work out the way you hope.

    I agree with @Hobo that postponing too much can get you into a situation that you may regret. Hardly anybody can really plan and make things work out exactly how they think they want, you have to see where you end up a bit and try to enjoy the ride as you go along. At first I thought the thread was all about total deferred gratification, which, having done quite a bit of myself, I now see is not always a good idea. Actually it's quite a lot about consumerism and I can easily agree with plenty of stuff about that - having useless stuff that I don't use and love makes me miserable and I think it's bad for the world to have such stuff endlessly multiplying.

    I found the book "How to Worry Less About Money" interesting. It's from the School of Life Series so it's really self help but you can claim it's philosophy. One thing I took from it was that people get hung up about money, saving it/wasting it/having enough/not enough, but you can just view it as a tool you use for doing economic work and the thing to figure out is whether you have too little/enough/too much for you to flourish in your life. Flourishing can involve doing things, having stuff you like, that's up to you. You just have to figure out if youtube on the toilet, extra bikes, a day a week less work, relatively early retirement, etc is the thing for you and try to adjust your finances accordingly.


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