the point wouldn't be to overload them but to obfuscate the data sets.
if your ip brings back a nice packaged set of your browsing habits it's simple to infer what you are up to.
if your real browsing habits make up 5% of the total sites visited from your ip that would involve a lot more effort to parse and gain real insight from.
i'm sure you could even come up with a reasonable excuse for automated browsing if you tried should you even come under scrutiny.
the point wouldn't be to overload them but to obfuscate the data sets.
if your ip brings back a nice packaged set of your browsing habits it's simple to infer what you are up to.
if your real browsing habits make up 5% of the total sites visited from your ip that would involve a lot more effort to parse and gain real insight from.
i'm sure you could even come up with a reasonable excuse for automated browsing if you tried should you even come under scrutiny.