• #43452
Uh oh. Bet she was giving the other kids gold coins...
• #43454
I wonder how they're going to work furrin's like me that pay taxes here...but have no UK nationality.
• #43455
The rest of the evidence from that PAC hearing is straight out batshit insane; MPs asking DoH why they don't ask students coming here on visas if they have pre-existing conditions, and "why aren't we charging furrins for GP attendances?" "Because the law"
• #43456
• #43457
Good case strongly made. I think whatever side you're on, as usual, you'll find reasons to complain about BBC bias.
• #43459
This MP is into horses apparently
• #43460
forget the radioactive peckham spring
delboy has a new venture, chateau peckham
• #43461
chateau nerrrffff de peck
• #43462
Solid investigative work from the BBC as usual:
Harry meets Rihanna twice in one day
Currently #4 in the top ten most read articles on the BBC today. Above another story of sex abuse by a football coach & a plan for May to punish school children of illegal immigrants.
So happy i'm paying for both the BBCs cutting edge reporting and his maj's two week
tourholiday in the Caribbean. -
• #43463
Not current news, and not really news, but an amazing story nonetheless
• #43464
just light a fire under him
he'll shift soon enough" The firemen asked if they could pose for some pictures, because they had never seen anything like it. I obliged. I had been down there nearly seven hours."
• #43465
so this new snoopers charter.
if someone made a browser add-on that just spent your computers idle time browsing the internet at random in a background tab (pick a word out of the dictionary, google it, select a few of the top links, randomly follow a few links off of that etc) and it was distributed freely to citizens of the uk. realistically how much could it fuck up the .gov's plans?
• #43466
Not much/none
• #43467
they'll spend a £ x,000 on a new server and collect all that data too
just after they put you on the list
• #43468
better would be for that add on to spend it's time googling lots of very dodgy words
and spam bots posting those dodgy words on social mediaif everyone then went and did it it might mess up big brothers algorithms which are trained to hunt for those key words
we should all chat amongst ourselves about sending mooneh to syiraq and bumbing parlamient
- words intentionally spelt wrong so they don't hunt me down and kill me with their drones
- words intentionally spelt wrong so they don't hunt me down and kill me with their drones
• #43469
the point wouldn't be to overload them but to obfuscate the data sets.
if your ip brings back a nice packaged set of your browsing habits it's simple to infer what you are up to.
if your real browsing habits make up 5% of the total sites visited from your ip that would involve a lot more effort to parse and gain real insight from.
i'm sure you could even come up with a reasonable excuse for automated browsing if you tried should you even come under scrutiny.
• #43470
Last few words might have just done that!
• #43471
doh !
• #43472
Don't worry, we got a formenger working on the drone project. He couldn't guarantee that we would be spared from civic cleansing but he did promise he'd make sure we got the drones fitted with go pros and a live social media feed.
PS, run.
• #43473
Surely the issue is the people reading the stories, they're the ones who dictate where it comes in the most read list.
• #43474
There are three issues i have:
- That our beloved prince is enjoying a couple of weeks of VIP travel at our expense
- That the BBC feel that spending time writing about it in such a trivial way is a good use of the licence fee
- That actual humans feel that it's more important to read bout that child abuse and the governments shady policy discussions around migration
If we can't solve #1 without a revolution, we can at least expect a quality news organisation to help by not doing #2.
- That our beloved prince is enjoying a couple of weeks of VIP travel at our expense
• #43475
It's not in the top ten now. Fourth spot has been taken by Buzz Aldrin being evacuated from the South Pole. Though given his history I think that comes under the heading of fake news.
and we finally come to the crux of the matter