My seller pulled out last week and it just fried my noodle totally. I did quite a bit of soul searching this weekend and I'd finally begun to come to peace with it, so I called the lawyers to find out how much money I could recoup.
Turns out the seller changed his mind AGAIN on Friday and wants to proceed.
My lawyers asked if he'd be willing to extend the leasehold and add it to the cost of the flat prior to the move.
He's obviously in a bit of a rush to sell, and appears to be a bit of a delicate little snowflake to boot, so instead of saying 'no' he threw a hissy fit.
This is savage.
My seller pulled out last week and it just fried my noodle totally. I did quite a bit of soul searching this weekend and I'd finally begun to come to peace with it, so I called the lawyers to find out how much money I could recoup.
Turns out the seller changed his mind AGAIN on Friday and wants to proceed.
So my question is: who should I kill first?