enjoying dishonoured 2 so far but it takes me an AGE to do a level. currently halfway through mission 4 and have racked up over 8 hours already.
my one gripe is I wish I could view from behind the character rather than out of her eyes makes it so frustrating trying to sneak around as you can't see fuck all and if you poke a toe out wrong the entire world is chopping you up in about 3 seconds flat.
this time round killing is allowed so I can get the mechanics sound then i'll be going for a vegan friendly murder free playthrough.
enjoying dishonoured 2 so far but it takes me an AGE to do a level. currently halfway through mission 4 and have racked up over 8 hours already.
my one gripe is I wish I could view from behind the character rather than out of her eyes makes it so frustrating trying to sneak around as you can't see fuck all and if you poke a toe out wrong the entire world is chopping you up in about 3 seconds flat.
this time round killing is allowed so I can get the mechanics sound then i'll be going for a vegan friendly murder free playthrough.