If a geezer kills you by ramming you off the road, how will you have his details saved on your little database? Unless you email it to yourself as you're riding along, you won't have yet recorded it...
Unless you are insinuating that there is going to be some sort of repeat offence.
Either way, it's all very odd behaviour.
And to answer the guy who asked if I even cycle; yes, every day. In London. Couldn't even count the amount of cuntish drivers I've come across but I don't see the point in keeping a list.
I assumed this place was full of cyclists who are somewhat normal, rather than these sanctimonious bellends riding around with go pros on their head shouting at other road users. It would appear I've misjudged it...
If a geezer kills you by ramming you off the road, how will you have his details saved on your little database? Unless you email it to yourself as you're riding along, you won't have yet recorded it...
hippy never gives up.
And to answer the guy who asked if I even cycle; yes, every day. In London. Couldn't even count the amount of cuntish drivers I've come across but I don't see the point in keeping a list.
This is LFGSS, of course you keep lists.
I assumed this place was full of cyclists who are somewhat normal, rather than these sanctimonious bellends riding around with go pros on their head shouting at other road users. It would appear I've misjudged it...
You must be new here. :)
My 'little database' or my last text messages containing the rego of a car trying to kill me. Hmm, let me think how that might help locate a culprit if I'm killed. Worked it out yet or do you need a diagram?
The Volvo that tried just that had their rego texted to my missus after the first attempt. If they'd actually killed me on the second or third attempts, do you think my missus would've just forgotten about that message and do you think their rego might be a nice head start for the cops?
"Unless you email it to yourself as you're riding along"
Well done, you're a regular fuckin' genius.
Very odd behaviour? So you're cool with someone using their car as a weapon to injure or kill cyclists but not cyclists taking the details of the driver's doing it? Nice bit of victim blaming, that.
Go fuck yourself.
Basically, every time something bad enough happens that I want to report it to RoadSafe/police, like the other night some bloke took offense at me riding wide to avoid parked car doors and brake checked me before accelerating towards me in full rage (I hopped the curb then), I take their rego and email myself the rego and details I remember so I have a record of the incident and I can report them. I have a handy tag I use for all these reports, it begins with CUN and ends in T so they're easy to find.
As for cracking on with my day I've had one cunt in a Jag take three goes to try and run me over late one night so if I'm dead I want their fucking numberplates in a database or email somewhere so there might be a chance of finding them or prosecuting or something. If you're all fucking zen about cunts trying to injure you then that's fine, but I'm clearly not and if I could legally enact my own justice I would.