I quit browsers to destroy history and to prevent adware from perform marketing retargeting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_retargeting .
Essentially I want to visit a site every time as if I am a new visitor, and history can be used as a signal in tracking, as can long-lived cookies, local storage, plugins, cache status of items served by a site that are unique to you, etc.
I'm not so fanatical that I believe I will never use Google or social media, but I practise compartmentalisation.
- I trust my email and LFGSS the most and those get the main browser.
- I trust social media sites directly (but not the things they link to), and they get a Chrome Incognito.
- I trust nothing else, and they get short-lived burner sessions in Firefox.
If you visited a site you don't trust in your main browser, assume at that moment that cookies and trackers have been placed and that you will be subject to retargeting.
If I were a state actor, I'd go to a lot of the advertising companies. They're pervasive, and track everything, and are still using HTTP rather than HTTPS.
So I treat those things as toxic.
If it's not Gmail or LFGSS it isn't going to live more than 1 day.
If it's not Twitter or Hacker News, it isn't going to live more than a few hours. - I trust my email and LFGSS the most and those get the main browser.
Can you explain why you quitbrower windows?
And what would entering a non trusted URL enable?thanks for the detailed reply