Played electronics Lego for the better part of the evening. I probably should have bought a different / smaller PSU, as this one has all the cables preattached. Seeing as I only need three (2 to Mainboard, 1 to SSD) that is overkill and a lot of unwanted cables.
Also the position of the cable output overlaps the USB3 bus on the Mainboard. I got the USB cable in but only just and with some force. Don't like it. Will probably buy new psu soonish.
On the brighter side: I got everything nicely arranged with zip-ties, airflow seems not too bad, everything works fine.
The mainboard glows in all the colors all the time (even when the PC is powered down), as it has a preinstalled LED strip that is glowing permanently. Neat. Probably will turn it off if I find the switch.
After faffing about trying to burn a .iso file to an USB stick for... hours, I managed to install Win10 in 15 minutes while sipping my breakfast tee this morning. Neato.
Now to fix the monitor scaling issue, get new drivers for everything... and go!
I have the same problem with the PSU, it's a really decent unit but the extra cables really mess up the place. You need a modular one if you want to only have the cables you need.
So I finally got my PC parts.
Played electronics Lego for the better part of the evening. I probably should have bought a different / smaller PSU, as this one has all the cables preattached. Seeing as I only need three (2 to Mainboard, 1 to SSD) that is overkill and a lot of unwanted cables.
Also the position of the cable output overlaps the USB3 bus on the Mainboard. I got the USB cable in but only just and with some force. Don't like it. Will probably buy new psu soonish.
On the brighter side: I got everything nicely arranged with zip-ties, airflow seems not too bad, everything works fine.
The mainboard glows in all the colors all the time (even when the PC is powered down), as it has a preinstalled LED strip that is glowing permanently. Neat. Probably will turn it off if I find the switch.
After faffing about trying to burn a .iso file to an USB stick for... hours, I managed to install Win10 in 15 minutes while sipping my breakfast tee this morning. Neato.
Now to fix the monitor scaling issue, get new drivers for everything... and go!