I imagine he'd recommend one of these https://linitx.com/product/ubiquiti-edgemax-edgerouter-x-uk-psu/14588
and however many of these you require for coverage https://www.ubnt.com/unifi/unifi-ac/I think Ubiquiti switches were also recommended but I found those to be a bit of overkill when I looked. You'll probably need some sort of switch.
Not sure if the wired connections are necessary in number 2 given the connection is wireless.
I currently have two Airport Extremes and one Airport Express (all wireless n standard) covering three main areas of my house:
I want to upgrade to AC standard for more throughput as I have 200Mbps fibre which the which is being limited by the wireless connection. I don't have any issues with signal dropout between the units.
What are my options? Ideally, i want all the listed items to be wired to the main hub or the upstairs spoke.
Should I just buy two of the latest Airport extremes and a couple of switches?
@Velocio: I seem to remember you offering advice recently but can't find it.