Sat next to a Trump voter today at work. First time I've actually sat down and spoken to one.
Her main reason was that Trump wasn't Clinton, and that the Clintons think they're above the law. I think it's fair to say she finds the dynastic nature of the Clintons arrogant and presumptive, which I kind of get.
She gave the example of how the Clintons bought a house in Westchester County, N.Y. in the run up to the election and didn't get any of the building permits they needed, they just went ahead with the work. She thought that summed them up so no wonder emailgate chimed.
She said she doesn't necessarily like Trump much as a person but he's a successful businessman and he's beholden to nobody, unlike Hilary who is beholden to many.
This is very similar to what the Trump voters I met on holiday were saying. They don't really like Trump but Hillary is worse and at least Trump will 'get stuff done'.
Then they asked me if I was worried that ISIS had infiltrated the U.K. and I laughed in their faces (politely).
Sat next to a Trump voter today at work. First time I've actually sat down and spoken to one.
Her main reason was that Trump wasn't Clinton, and that the Clintons think they're above the law. I think it's fair to say she finds the dynastic nature of the Clintons arrogant and presumptive, which I kind of get.
She gave the example of how the Clintons bought a house in Westchester County, N.Y. in the run up to the election and didn't get any of the building permits they needed, they just went ahead with the work. She thought that summed them up so no wonder emailgate chimed.
She said she doesn't necessarily like Trump much as a person but he's a successful businessman and he's beholden to nobody, unlike Hilary who is beholden to many.