I think it's potentially a sign of the growing chasm between left and right that the left feel inclined to scream 'RACIST' at anyone they don't like on the right. It is also similar to how being concerned about immigration seems to be read as shorthand on the left for massive racist. This doesn't help the people who are most concerned by immigration (especially the working class north of England and the rust belt in US who are being left behind by technology and internationalism) who now feel that the left/intellectuals/elite condescend to them as racist and they need to look for alternatives. Which is often to vote against their historical inclination/best interest. This article is always interesting on that front: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/trump-us-politics-poor-whites/
But yeah, he probably is a bit racist, in a bumbling ill-considered 70 year old white man sorta way, but to make out that it has been the defining thread of his campaign or his greatest failure/crime is potentially wolf-crying and overlooks his far greater failings and incompetencies that will cause far greater problems.
Is it something people look for / assume / are more sensitive to because of what he's said in the past? (Central Park 5). Apologies if that's covered. I started reading, and it seems interesting, but not enough time right now...
But yeah, interesting piece that makes clear the author's opinion (not supporting Trump) early on. Will try and read later.