• Yes, although if I were driving an HGV I would probably expect it more. I had a great experience with an HGV driver the other day as I was belting down Great Eastern St. I was in the left of the two lanes heading East, car ahead of me stopped for some reason, I looked over my right shoulder to see if I could change lanes in time to avoid getting stuck but there's a car there who's gaining on me and he's not slowing down for anyone, least of all me. Behind him is a huge truck that I've been conscious of for half a mile, in a primal fear of death sense. The car blocks my lane change hopes and I do get stuck but the HGV sees this and actually stops to let me change lane. I nearly fall of my bike clipping back in I'm so surprised.

  • I'd assume his vehicle had either a FORS or CLOCS sticker. Though this may just be me being a self congratulatory smug cunt.

    We have now trained thousands of drivers about vulnerable road users, and I am finding more and more lorry drivers views and behaviour around cyclists has completely changed.

  • I've noticed the same. I always give them a 'thumbs up, thanks bro' in return.

  • I didn't spot the sticker but I wasn't looking for one, to be fair. The whole experience lifted me from a funk, so if you did have a hand in it, thank you. In fact, even if you didn't in that case, thank you, because in general, as others have said, HGVs seem to be that bit nicer.
