• whats all this 'drawing' about then Luci?

  • I always wanted to be an artist, it was the only thing I was interested as a kid, other than reading. Well, I pretty much lost plot during my GCSEs as a kid, started drinking and basically flunked everything. I didn't have a single qualification and couldn't bear to do resits. I got funnelled into a factory job and thought that was it, game over.
    27 years of drinking and struggling later, well, the world's changed. I can write something, stick it on the net and people can read it and they do.
    So why not art?
    I'm writing a piece about a bike camping trip I went on but my phone died while I was there, so I had no images to go with it. I just decided to draw what I saw from memory. I got drawing, and suddenly something woke up. A proper deep, intense happiness, a feeling I haven't felt in a quarter of a century. Now I can't stop drawing. I just love it. I'm slowly teaching myself better technique and will eventually open an Etsy shop to sell limited prints of my art. Might work, might not, but what matters is that I love it. I'm still writing but it's all part of the same flow of 'creating', just making something.
    So... yeah! That!
