I've just started a much longer commute than I used to do, it's now 20miles each way so I've decided that I should wear proper bibs and jerseys for the ride, but I don't want to ruin my PT jerseys with my backpack straps. All you prommuters out there, what do you all do/wear. Backpack is a must, I can't leave stuff at work, and I can't/don't want to put a rack on my bike.
I've just started a much longer commute than I used to do, it's now 20miles each way so I've decided that I should wear proper bibs and jerseys for the ride, but I don't want to ruin my PT jerseys with my backpack straps. All you prommuters out there, what do you all do/wear. Backpack is a must, I can't leave stuff at work, and I can't/don't want to put a rack on my bike.