Oh yeah? That could be expensive. The game in question I was talking about (although seen the problem with other games I'm interested in) was Diablo 3. Cause having it on my mac isn't enough. Though I hear the multiplayer on one screen works well.
Any other recommendations? I need to work through Battlefield 1 and Tomb Raider first, tempted by GTA 5 at some point. Is Rocket league that good?
I really wasn't taken by rocket league. Too cartoony for my liking.
Tempted to give fallout 4 another bash now I have reinstalled windows and somehow lost all my games saves...
Oh yeah? That could be expensive. The game in question I was talking about (although seen the problem with other games I'm interested in) was Diablo 3. Cause having it on my mac isn't enough. Though I hear the multiplayer on one screen works well.
Any other recommendations? I need to work through Battlefield 1 and Tomb Raider first, tempted by GTA 5 at some point. Is Rocket league that good?