My old phone. 16Gb, black, iPhone 5. There's a bit of dust in the camera lens but apart from that it's all cosmetic. Functions fine and is unlocked so can be used on any network. The battery lasts a day but is as you'd expect for an old phone. It can be replaced pretty cheaply though. I can provide a brand-new smiley sticker free of charge.
My old phone. 16Gb, black, iPhone 5. There's a bit of dust in the camera lens but apart from that it's all cosmetic. Functions fine and is unlocked so can be used on any network. The battery lasts a day but is as you'd expect for an old phone. It can be replaced pretty cheaply though. I can provide a brand-new smiley sticker free of charge.
Pickup from Hackney Road or Stamford Hill - £50
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