• #15452
So how did the tyre end up red?
• #15453
You got a flat.
• #15454
van behind doesn't quite pull up in time
Was it a mega mega white thing?
Glad you came off better than the wheel tho
• #15455
Saw a car smash into this Traffic light this morning. Knocked off the lights and everything.
https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.52519,-0.1106276,3a,75y,90.52h,76.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHwjRNobKEIy8dJ4yNQOzyA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656Freaked out a the 4 cyclists waiting next to it.
Luckily the Indian woman driving the car got out and seemed to be unharmed in the accident.(Cross roads at Farringdon Rd, and Rosebery Av)
• #15456
I was wondering what had happened there. How in god's name did she manage that?
• #15457
was the traffic light wearing hi viz and a helmet?
only has itself to blame if not.
• #15458
Nice chilled commute till twat decides to cross lanes slow down causing me to apply full brakes and slide backwheel on tarmac.
Plenty traffic at stamford hill, lady decides to let car go full brakes again7/10
• #15460
Once again saw two people falling off on the cycle path just before turning left on Vauxhall bridge. Something needs to be done there as the exit of that cycle path is super slippy when wet and it's not the first time I see people on the floor.
• #15461
What do you mean?
cycle path = safety
• #15462
Saw some hero this morning riding with a single crank arm on Tower Bridge Road. Kudos sir, that is dedication to the cause.
• #15463
Got rear ended by a fellow cycle commuter who clearly expected me to run the red light ahead. Carradice took the brunt of the impact so naturally, there is no damage whatsoever. Would have been really pissed if he busted my new mudguards mainly for the faff of having to install them again. Gladly they were fine.
Secretly pleased my fixed gear stopping distance was sufficient to catch this dozy promuter out.
• #15464
Haha exactly ...
The exit of that bike path is terrible and I don't even understand how it was put together. The fact that it's safer to cycle around that four lanes "roundabout" among trucks and buses says a lot ...
• #15465
Not my commute but my missus stacked it on wet leaves this morning so be careful out there.
It's ok...
I've laughed at her already.
• #15466
Did you ask her if she leaned?
• #15467
She must have leaned... right before sliding along the ground.
• #15468
Hahaha, the sympathy just oozes out of you doesn't it..
• #15469
She leaned but then she learned.
• #15470
So long as she doesn't drip any blood into tonight's dinner...
• #15471
Why - you vegetarian now?
• #15472
Doctors told me I should back off on the human blood as it doesn't go well with the anticoag meds.
• #15473
I should consider myself lucky then, I guess - My other half & I have the same blood type.
• #15474
The chestnuts aren't too bad this year, usually they get mashed up and turned into frothy conker nonsense.
• #15475
Heh, excellent :)
Van stopped too soon surely?