I have had a steel Colnago repaired , I contacted the factory, and they said go to the wholesaler .
A lot of frames actually leave the factory naked , for Benelux anyway , and are sprayed locally , so they have relationships with certain companies,
I managed to bypass the wholesaler and go direct , tecnos is nivacrome , so it may be more costs efficent to get a good builder to do it, if you want to try via wholsaler, windwave is uk, codagex benlux , codagex use http://unlimitedcolors.nl/ , owned ny Ted , who comes from a car bodywork back ground, they sprayed for rabobank, giant , and i saw the belkin team tour bikes being done there , but i don't think they are steel frame builders
I agree Colnago are missing a trick , who know's ? things could change
I managed to speak to Antonio Colombo the same day , different kettles of fish
re custom orders, other houses have embraced this idea , these two German gents stopped got their fames made in max, went to the factory
I have had a steel Colnago repaired , I contacted the factory, and they said go to the wholesaler .
A lot of frames actually leave the factory naked , for Benelux anyway , and are sprayed locally , so they have relationships with certain companies,
I managed to bypass the wholesaler and go direct , tecnos is nivacrome , so it may be more costs efficent to get a good builder to do it, if you want to try via wholsaler, windwave is uk, codagex benlux , codagex use http://unlimitedcolors.nl/ , owned ny Ted , who comes from a car bodywork back ground, they sprayed for rabobank, giant , and i saw the belkin team tour bikes being done there , but i don't think they are steel frame builders
I agree Colnago are missing a trick , who know's ? things could change
I managed to speak to Antonio Colombo the same day , different kettles of fish
re custom orders, other houses have embraced this idea , these two German gents stopped got their fames made in max, went to the factory