I have had a steel Colnago repaired , I contacted the factory, and they said go to the wholesaler .
A lot of frames actually leave the factory naked , for Benelux anyway , and are sprayed locally , so they have relationships with certain companies,
I managed to bypass the wholesaler and go direct , tecnos is nivacrome , so it may be more costs efficent to get a good builder to do it, if you want to try via wholsaler, windwave is uk, codagex benlux , codagex use http://unlimitedcolors.nl/ , owned ny Ted , who comes from a car bodywork back ground, they sprayed for rabobank, giant , and i saw the belkin team tour bikes being done there , but i don't think they are steel frame buildersI agree Colnago are missing a trick , who know's ? things could change
I managed to speak to Antonio Colombo the same day , different kettles of fish
re custom orders, other houses have embraced this idea , these two German gents stopped got their fames made in max, went to the factory
Pity about them shying away from steel, the modern stuff is so good if only people knew.
I think Colnago are missing a trick there.
80 missing Tecnos (Tecnii ?). I want to replace the chainstays on my Tecnos which a northern framesman has quoted me £170 to do. Thing is I may never see another one in my size anytime soon (60x58).
Still pondering it, do you have experience of repaired Colnagos?