My daily ride is only 6 miles each way or something, so really not long enough to get sore, but longer rides on evenings and weekends I have noticed that. Trying a new stem and a set of risers over the weekend to see what difference that makes. Got a set of Lola bullhorns I might give a bash too, it's all about wee tweaks I guess. To be honest I probably need to up the frame size to the largest, but that'll happen in time, just found this frame and forks on ebay and have always liked it's shape so wanted to see what I could do with it. Thanks for your advice mate!
How long/far are you riding? Do yo ur wrists/hands hurt? The way it's set up your weight distribution is going to put a lot of strain on your wrists, especially as you only have one hand position with those bars. My suggestion, as above, would be to lower the saddle until having the saddle completely level with the ground is comfortable and get some bars that give you the ability to switch hand positions. Apprecite it might mess with the look you're going for, but something like these Nittos http://hubjub.co.uk/nitto-pursuit-bar-rb-010-bullhorn-136-p.asp