Got stuff going cheap as its sitting around, collection from Streatham or buyer contributes towards postage.
Look ergostem, quill, grey, 8/10 condition, £65
Phil woods to h plus eero, all black including spokes, no tyres, no braking surface, includes Phil wood cog and locking. I want £210 for the set which is an obvious bargain at 150 less than I paid. Wheels are true.
A couple nice NOS clinchers in 20c, unused, 13 quid each. Ones a specialized tyre the other is a conti.
I'm on my phone but will add pics when at home. I am open to negotiation on price for quick sales, and will Be adding more later!
Got stuff going cheap as its sitting around, collection from Streatham or buyer contributes towards postage.
Look ergostem, quill, grey, 8/10 condition, £65
Phil woods to h plus eero, all black including spokes, no tyres, no braking surface, includes Phil wood cog and locking. I want £210 for the set which is an obvious bargain at 150 less than I paid. Wheels are true.
A couple nice NOS clinchers in 20c, unused, 13 quid each. Ones a specialized tyre the other is a conti.
I'm on my phone but will add pics when at home. I am open to negotiation on price for quick sales, and will Be adding more later!