I bought a new aluminium frame and have noticed, after a little while of riding, that the weld between the bottom bracket and the down tube is not 100% aligned. The misalignment means the seattube has a slight curve, and I'm wondering if this bend might weaken the frame? I don't want it to fail on me, and don't want to be worrying about it failing on me! I have attached a couple of photos which show the extent of the misalignment. Any advice welcome.
Hi All,
I bought a new aluminium frame and have noticed, after a little while of riding, that the weld between the bottom bracket and the down tube is not 100% aligned. The misalignment means the seattube has a slight curve, and I'm wondering if this bend might weaken the frame? I don't want it to fail on me, and don't want to be worrying about it failing on me! I have attached a couple of photos which show the extent of the misalignment. Any advice welcome.
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