New series of Humans touches on this removal of labour with one of the humans being sacked and replaced by a bot as well as a young human apprentice being trained up by a bot.
While many of the discussions go back to the second half of the 20th century these issues, as you well know, have been explored since time immemorial and are found in many antique texts. Robots are really a kind of Golem-- stories about which date to early Judaism. In the Talmud Adam was initially created as a golem-- when his dust was "kneaded into a shapeless husk". Technology too is a reoccuring theme in the the Torah. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is about technology: They were weathly through the technology of agriculture and had lost the humanity of raising animals (see also Cain and Abel where Cain, the crop farmer, kills Abel, the shepard).
In the classic Golem of Prague narrative, like dystopic visions of robots, the being became increasingly uncontrollable and destructive...
New series of Humans touches on this removal of labour with one of the humans being sacked and replaced by a bot as well as a young human apprentice being trained up by a bot.
The Making a Human thing also touched on automated shipping loaders which removed (or perhaps moved) the need for human operators. I've seen similar robot forklift drivers operating in Aussie wineries. They're laser-guided and will stop if you get in their way, etc. They are also able to stack wine higher than human operators as they're more precise so there's less tipping risk, they dock themselves for charging and they can work 24/7. Pretty funky... unless you were a forklift operator...