I've got the original, unused, fork from mine, under the bed, if you mess up with the drill and need another...not trying to be a harbinger of doom, but if you need it, for the cost of postage it's yours. My frame is a large, but would guess the forks all have the same length steerer.
The fork only comes in one length if bought separately. If you ain't got a pillar drill an engineer would only charge a few quid. A box of tea bags or packet of biscuits would more than likely get it done for nowt.
I've got the original, unused, fork from mine, under the bed, if you mess up with the drill and need another...not trying to be a harbinger of doom, but if you need it, for the cost of postage it's yours. My frame is a large, but would guess the forks all have the same length steerer.