QUOTE: "There are active political movements which aren't based on dressing up in silly masks and annoying people, but which actually make a difference to the political landscape." No there are not! The trade unions and the established Labour movement have failed to change anything since the Tories got re-eclected in 2010! See this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYbZbhRsKrg
Millions of people across the country have demonstrated against government austerity cuts since 2010 but have been totally ignored as the government plough on with mass privatisation and mass austerity cuts to public services! Anonymous and its more militant forms of action are the new way forward as the parties of the past have failed time and time again.
Again: we get it, people agree that the Tories at evil and they have actively fucked people over in this country. No one is disputing this. Your 'protest' is just a bit silly, particularly as anonymous are viewed as a pretty alt-right organisation. There are active political movements which aren't based on dressing up in silly masks and annoying people, but which actually make a difference to the political landscape.