I've built a couple of synths from kits. Easy enough to do as long as you're prepared to do the fault finding at the end (i.e. why did I mix up those resistors). The thing that's put me off valve stuff is the higher voltages involved.
Make sure you have some desoldering tape, it's great for removing incorrectly placed parts.
It will be all a learning curve, but I figure I I would rather try with come thing I might use. There's a dude on one of the hifi forums that has designed a basic single valve job that is supposed to sound pretty good.
I've built a couple of synths from kits. Easy enough to do as long as you're prepared to do the fault finding at the end (i.e. why did I mix up those resistors). The thing that's put me off valve stuff is the higher voltages involved.
Make sure you have some desoldering tape, it's great for removing incorrectly placed parts.