• But if you're on here you're probably shit slow, so one of 'my friend's' favourite techniques is to keep pedaling but apply less and less pressure slowing down until they get frustrated and pass. My friend will also fake stuff like being lost or looking at something 'over there' or a mechanical in order to glance at pedals or something.

    The crush them.

  • keep pedaling but apply less and less pressure slowing down until they get frustrated and pass.

    I have literally come to a standstill doing this.

    As did the wheelsucker.

    And least he had the decency to look sheepish as I stood there looking at him.

  • I've had the same thing, once, on the way home on fUxbridge.

    But 99% of people aren't as stubborn as I am so it must be pretty uncommon. They all get fed up and I can then pootle along at my heart's content gap and rush them with a fierce acceleration the likes of which London hasn't seen since V2 rockets.
