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  • I've never owned a television.

    Am thinking of getting one to watch films on. I'd prefer a projector and sound system but there isn't enough wall space and I don't want to have to use a projector screen (either one on a stand that I have to store somewhere and set up, nor do I want to install a pull-down into our flimsy ceiling - nor do I want to look at a pull down for that matter). Next house I'll make sure we have a single big fuck-off white wall, perfectly plastered, to project on.

    But for now it'll be a television.

    Or does it? It needs to be able to connect to a BluRay player/Apple TV/games console etc, maybe an AV receiver/amp/cd changer etc. Is that a television? Or a just a big computer monitor? We don't have a TV aerial if that makes a difference (though do have a little Virgin wall box with some fibre outputs so presume Virgin would be the supplier of any TV service OR we would use something like NowTV which I understand receives signal from wifi). I would like to connect it to a decent speaker system in due time so presume it needs a particular set of audio-out ports (or are they much of a muchness?)

    Lastly it has to be thin. I'd like it wall mounted on a chimney breast and don't want it to jut out further than a few of inches including any mount.

    Any brands to look for/things to know? Any times of year / places to buy from? Surely 4K content still isn't there yet to make justifying a 4K screen worth it (have a 5k screen for video editing so there would have to be a lot of broadcast 4k footage to consider it). So presume 1080p. Don't want to use these horrible picture profiles that give horrible movement effects. Don't want 3D abilities. Just a nice screen to watch films on and play games etc. Image quality/colour reproduction fairly important but I mean that in terms of accuracy to original (like THX was for cinema standards) rather than these horrible hyper-saturation images I see in TV displays at Currys etc.

    Hit me.

  • What's your budget?

    I'm about to change up my TV so have a decent setup going for cheap...

    KD-55X9005C - 55 inch 4K Sony Smart TV (ridiculously thin)
    Yamaha RX-v379 4K passthrough amp


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