Not so sure about that: There's quite a bit of virtual signalling in some places as well, where if you don't get your reasoning padded perfectly well within accepted language it blows up in a forum fight.
And even the mouthbreathing shitpots deserve a reasonable debate. Are they just aping the Scum but don't really believe it? Perhaps there are some ways to have them listen.
It's frigging hard though to have a conversation with the "go home" crowd.
(and yes I unfriended one of those on my FB after repeated but polite questions on what should happen with EU nationals after brexit, the UK was full apparently)
Not so sure about that: There's quite a bit of virtual signalling in some places as well, where if you don't get your reasoning padded perfectly well within accepted language it blows up in a forum fight.
And even the mouthbreathing shitpots deserve a reasonable debate. Are they just aping the Scum but don't really believe it? Perhaps there are some ways to have them listen.
It's frigging hard though to have a conversation with the "go home" crowd.
(and yes I unfriended one of those on my FB after repeated but polite questions on what should happen with EU nationals after brexit, the UK was full apparently)