I forgot computer+ mount, 80g. And your tubs are 260g lighter! Over half a pound, just for the tubs. Add all those up and you're looking at 700-800g. You could build it lighter but these are the parts I had around/wanted to fit. I've got a pair of lighter tubs to go on come next summer but I didn't want to go and ruin a pair of cotton wall tubs over the winter, plus I got the gators for an absolute steal, £35 for the pair including a pair of valve extenders!
Makes sense when you break it down like that, amazing how quickly little things add up. Must say I was pleasantly surprised when it came to the weigh-in.
No silly magnets though, Fabric bottles. They're actually properly good.
I forgot computer+ mount, 80g. And your tubs are 260g lighter! Over half a pound, just for the tubs. Add all those up and you're looking at 700-800g. You could build it lighter but these are the parts I had around/wanted to fit. I've got a pair of lighter tubs to go on come next summer but I didn't want to go and ruin a pair of cotton wall tubs over the winter, plus I got the gators for an absolute steal, £35 for the pair including a pair of valve extenders!