let's just assume what you're saying is true, and youre not being a troll. And I know I'm being incredibly simplistic here, and there's a lot of other issues, not least cultural and economic but...
There were 3,460 asylum applications to the UK from Afghanistan in the year ending June 2016, of which 35% were granted (1,211) (source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/bulletins/migrationstatisticsquarterlyreport/august2016)
Let's assume (being generous here) that all of them send £10,000 back to their greedy families in Afghanistan. That means an additional c. £12 million is going out the UK so the tax man is missing out on the 20% VAT on all of that £10k pp meaning he takes a tax hit of £2,400,000 per year additionally from those migrants.
However, they get taxed on those earnings before they receive them. So, in order to send £10,000 back a year I assume they'd have to earn at least £20,000 a year. Which means on £20K a year they pay they'll pay £1,800 income tax and £1,433 in National Insurance. So the 'tax man' makes c. £4,000,000 a year.
So net bonus of £1.6 mill.
Ker ching!
Don't just repeat what you hear
Out of curiosity, how can these men be cash cows?
It's not that refugees live the high life, or benefits are so great.