Of all the biked I've owned, I miss my grey Mash the most. It simply brought the biggest smile to my face.
Haven't come across another one so I picked this up instead.
Not sure how I'm going to build it up yet, probably SG75 DD, Zen, Thomson bits, SLR and then share the wheel set with my Roberts (Royce to Open Pro CD). Almost exactly the same build as my previous Mash.
Going to have to drill that fork, though... Edinburgh is pretty hilly, innit.
Of all the biked I've owned, I miss my grey Mash the most. It simply brought the biggest smile to my face.
Haven't come across another one so I picked this up instead.
Not sure how I'm going to build it up yet, probably SG75 DD, Zen, Thomson bits, SLR and then share the wheel set with my Roberts (Royce to Open Pro CD). Almost exactly the same build as my previous Mash.
Going to have to drill that fork, though... Edinburgh is pretty hilly, innit.