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  • Totally fair. I didn't have that pressure so I went with my heart; but that also invalidates my opinion somewhat.

    I tested a Monster, all the SV's, CBR600f, RR, older Triumph 675, R6, and a transalp.
    Horses for courses of course. I was looking for something fun, or to tour on. No communing.

    My very very beginner views.

    Ducati = Super fun. Great handling with thunderous soundtrack. 1 out of 2 tested broke down.
    SV's. Gen 1's are mad reliable. Gladius I learnt on. They're comfy and punchy, if a bit bland. Maybe because of the change of frame. The 2017 SV was a fucking hoot. Utterly loved it, till I spent longer than an hour on it. Whomever designed the seat needs a slap. It scoots you forward so your crotch is right up against the tank.

    600f. Shockingly comfortable/rapid/friendly. If a little classic Honda. Felt a bit soul less.
    600rr. Possibly my next bike. Also surprisingly comfortable
    Triumph. I don't even want to think about this with pants on.
    R6. agonizing fun. Emphasis on agonizing.
    Transalp. Light, punchy, maybe a perfect commuter for cheap? Totally would for long distance.
    Sv650 that I have....I rode it down from Edinburgh over two days. Aside from sitting-in-one-position discomfort. I was absurdly comfortable.
    I love this thing...apart from the fucking reliability issues I'm having. Brakes are soft. Suspension is softer. When it runs though....yeah...


  • Yes, go with the 600rr, it's a very on all of these:

    Fun, reliable, comfortable, enough agile even in the traffic, nailed on the tarmac, intimidating, aggressive, sometime it seems that she's always looking for a fight, other times smooth as hell, bellissima and she has a sound that goes from punk rock to heavy metal.

    The only downside is that she works at high temperature, then the fan start and it goes down then up again and so goes on.. but only when she get stuck in's all normal, she has certainly not been created for a predominately London riding, but London is fucking cold, so, free heating !! :))


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