Not had much time to see what's what! Still trying to find time for a trip up to Buxton too!
One bottle shop has closed and become a bar/bottle shop hybrid - popped in briefly, unsure how long they've been there and might have been badly timed but there wasn't much on the shelves [Edit: the internet says the original owners sold it and the new owners have reduced the range :(]. The other bottle shop (never even had chance to visit!) closed after being taken over by a pub and will be incorporated into their premises, unsure where/when.
Red Willow have a tap house, it's been a couple of years since I've been in, I just remember a huge computer screen thing and trying to choose from 30-odd kegs. Will revisit.
Treacle Tap and Snow Goose are both still there and apparently still have a decent selection (the former for fancy bottles iirc).Will update when I'm back from the US...!
Just wondering has @andy_k any news on the Macclesfield beer scene?