Post-to-IS adaptor backwards?
Not backwards, just not optimised for that dropout. When designing a general purpose adapter, the designer has to make it fit as many common cases as possible, and that means predominantly IS mounts which are above the dropout rather than inside the rear triangle. The safe choice is to rotate the caliper position backwards around the axle centre so that the front of caliper will always clear the seatstay even on bikes with bulky Horst-link pivots in that area.
Having a bit of a puzzle with fitting a rear BB7 to a pompetamine.
This is with an adaptor for a 160mm disc (came with the caliper).
The issues:
1) I can't use the full length of the slotted dropout; the caliper fouls the seat-stay at less than halfway
2) inside of caliper is very close - almost touching - the inside of the dropout... Doesn't look right.
Assume I am missing something here. Rotor too large? Design of pompetamine dropouts too shit? Post-to-IS adaptor backwards?
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